Sponsors and benefactors at every level are provided a table with space for 8 guests at the luncheon and tickets to our performance of Love Revolution. Other benefits are as follows:

$5,000 ​​​​
One table for 8 guests at Byrde's Dancers Scholarship Luncheon
Unlimited tickets to Love Revolution
Permanent Listing as the event's title sponsor with projected logo at luncheon and at Love Revolution
Full-page advertorial in the production playbill highlighting your company
Option to make a one-minute curtain speech acknowledging your sponsorship before the production of Love Revolution
PLUS all benefits listed below
One table for 8 guests at Byrde's Dancers Scholarship Luncheon
10 tickets to Love Revolution
Major sponsorship recognition in President's speech at the luncheon
Curtain speech mention at Love Revolution and featured recognition in all event PR
Dinner with the OMC dancers and a special gift from Of Moving Colors
PLUS all benefits listed below
One table for 8 guests at Byrde's Dancers Scholarship Luncheon
8 tickets to Love Revolution
Early entrance to luncheon and Love Revolution
Complimentary admission for VIP "Meet the Artists" event
PLUS benefits listed below
One table for 8 guests at Byrde's Dancers Scholarship Luncheon
6 tickets to Love Revolution
Signage at your personal table
Recognition on Corporate Sponsorship sign​
Featured logo as a sponsor on the OMC website
Includes donation to Byrde's Scholarship Fund
Thank you for considering donating and being a part of making dreams come true!
Susan Lipsey
Founding Benefactor
Luncheon Committee
Elizabeth Perry
Bonnie Adams
Lynn Savoie​
& the Big Buddy Team
Thank You to Our Previous Sponsors