Unlimited tickets to your choice of any show this season
VIP Duo to the Legends Gala (4 tickets + gala goodies)
Banner on website homepage, back cover of playbill
PLUS benefits listed below
10 tickets to your choice of any show this season
VIP Duo to the Legends Gala (4 tickets + gala goodies)
Spotlight in OMC's monthly e-newsletter
PLUS benefits listed below
8 tickets to your choice of any show this season
1 VIP Duo to the Legends Gala (2 tickets + gala goodies)
Curtain speech at one show, general marketing through email and social media, verbal recognition and signage at Season shows and gala
PLUS benefits listed below
6 tickets to your choice of any show this season
2 tickets to the Legends Gala
Prominent promotion, including general marketing through email and social media
PLUS benefits listed below​
Playbill listing AND priority seating for OMC shows
Playbill listing​​​​